

2020-09-24王憶卿 Yi-Ching Wang 講座教授Rab37-mediated exocytosis and its niche for cancer therapy林玉俊 Yu-Chun Lin 副教授 
2020-09-17張典顯 Tien-Hsien Chang 研究員Toward a Successful Graduate Career: the Why, the Stakes, and Some Ropes楊立威 Lee-Wei Yang 教授 
2020-06-11謝志豪 Chih-hao Hsieh 特聘教授Empirical dynamic modeling toward mechanistical understanding of dynamical systems黃貞祥 Chen Siang "Gene" Ng 助理教授 
2020-05-14楊恩誠 En-Cheng Yang 教授探索昆蟲眼中的世界羅中泉 Chung-Chuan Lo 教授專題討論修課同學為非同步遠距
2020-03-26顧銓 Chuan Ku 助研究員Giant viruses: from single-cell transcriptomics to genome evolution黃貞祥 Chen Siang "Gene" Ng 助理教授 
2020-03-19簡伯武 Po-Wu Gean 講座教授兼院長Neurobiology of Impulsive aggression張鈞惠 Chun-hui Chang 副教授 
2020-03-05林敬哲 Jing-Jer Lin 教授Revealing a role of serine protease inhibitor SerpinB2 in senescence張壯榮 Chuang-Rung Chang 副教授、蘇士哲 Shih-Che Sue 副教授 
2020-01-02陳新 Hsin Chen 教授Development of a Miniaturised, Wireless Neuromodulator for Advancing Bio-electronic Medicine for Neural Disorders羅中泉 Chung-Chuan Lo 教授 
2019-12-26張智芬 Zee-Fen Chang 特聘教授Shaping mitochondria in genome stability孫玉珠 Yuh-Ju Sun 教授 
2019-12-19蔣永孝 Yung-Hsiao Chiang 教授/醫師Concussion effect and treatment陳令儀 Linyi Chen 教授 
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