

2010-10-07湯銘哲教授分享醫學研究的幾個故事陳令儀老師Prof. Linyi Chen 
2010-10-05Prof. Francoise Barre-Sinoussi2008年諾貝爾生理醫學獎得主清大演講Prof. Rong-Long Pan 
2010-09-17Yuchin Albert PanDevelopment of trigeminal sensory circuits in zebrafish Prof. Ann-Shyn Chiang 
2010-09-06Bonnie A. Wallace教授,Robert W. Janes博士Synchrotron Radiation Circular Dichroism(SRCD) 應用研討會國家同步輻射研究中心 
2010-07-21Dr. Gene-Wei LiSingle Molecule Approaches to Bacterial Gene Expression--from a Single Transcription Factor to the Global Architecture李勁葦 博士 
2010-07-20Dr. Chun-I YehStimulus Ensemble and Cortical Layer Determine V1 Receptive Fields焦傳金老師 
2010-07-15李文雄院士Next Generation Sequencing: development and applications王雯靜老師 Prof. Wen-Ching Wang 
2010-07-07蒲慕明院士Personal notes on scientific research張兗君老師 Prof. Yen-Chung Chang 
2010-06-17Dr. Tzyh-Chang Hwang (黃自強)Single-molecule studies of an ion channel protein羅中泉老師 Prof. Chung-Chuan Lo 
2010-06-14Dr. Chi-Wei LuModeling development and disease by embryonic stem cells張壯榮老師 Prof. Chuang-Rung Chang 
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